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Thursday 4 February 2016

THE BLUEST EYE by Toni Morrison



Toni Morrison
Novel by Toni Morrison, is about a Black girl Pecola's DESIRE for the Blue eye. The novel beautifully talks about how black people were suffering in America. Reading text like this gives understanding that one should not do like that with others. Humanity is more important than caste, religion or race

Presentation "The Bluest Eye written by Toni Morrison powerpoint by ...

The treatment of Pecola and her mother in the novel is painful.And more disturbing thing is that Pecola- a little girl is raped and made pregnant by her own father.

toni morrison
In the beginning of the novel season Autumn is described. It is a season of fall. trees looses its leaves, symbolically it suggests Pecola's loosing her own child.

Then Morrison also gives description that how she was teased by other friends. Her father used to bit her mother.

Pecola's mother was working in a house of a white man. If we apply concept of Frantz Fanon discussed in "Black skin White Masks", then we can understand the psyche of black people. They wanted to become white. They desired whiteness, which is not possible at all. Being black people they wanted to enter into the white world. That's why Pecola's mother was working into the white people's house. It was considered that White is virtue and Black is evil. The rumors were spread about black that they are violent, cruel and barbaric.

so, Black writer writes back to whatever written by white masters.

Double marginalization:-

Pecola and his mother both are double marginalized. First by the white people, and second into Patriarchal structure by male members. Their suffering is the suffering of the majority of people.

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