During Elizabeth’s reign in Milton’s word we suddenly see England “ a noble and puissant nation, rousing herself, like a strong man after sleep and shaking her invincible locks”. With the queen’s character, a strange mingling of frivolity and strength which reminds one of that iron image with feet of clay.
Under her administration the English national life progressed by gigantic leaps rather than by slow historical process, and English literature reached the very highest point of its development.
· Literary features /characteristics of this age*
- Abundance of output:-
- The New Romanticism:-
- ü Poetry:-
- Renaissance age
- Ø Humanism
- Ø Nationalism
- Ø A new approach to life
- Ø A new spirit in art
- Ø Architecture
- Ø Literature and learning
- Ø The growth of the vernaculars and
- Ø Scientific investigation.
ü New Classicism:-
By the time of Elizabeth the renaissance had made itself strongly felt in England. In particular, there was an ardent revival in the study of Greek, which brought a dazzling light into many places of the intellect. The new passion for classical learning, in itself a rich and worthy enthusiasm. In all branches of literature Greek and Latin usages began to force themselves upon English, which results not wholly beneficial. English did not emerge unscathed, from the contest but applied to this slight extent, the new classical influence were a great benefit. They tempered and polished the earlier rudeness of English literature.
As we have pointed out, the historical situation encouraged a healthy production. The interest shown in literary subjects is quite amazing to a more chastened generation. Pamphlets and treatises were freely written and literary questions became almost of national importance.
The Romantic quest is for the remote, the wonderful and beautiful. All their desires were abundantly fed during the Elizabethan age, which is our first and greatest romantic epoch. On the one hand, there was revolt against past, on the other there was a daring and resolute spirit of adventure in literary as well as other regions. And most important of all , there was an unmistakable buoyancy and freshness in the strong wind of the spirit. It was an ardent youth of eng. Literature and achievement was worthy of it.
Though the poetical production was not quite equal to the dramatic, it was nevertheless of great and original beauty. As can be observes from the disputes of the time, the passion for poetry was absorbing and the outcome of it was equal to expectation.
ü Prose:-
For the first time prose rises to a position of first rate importance. The dead weight of Latin tradition was passing away. English prose was acquiring a tradition and a universal application. And so the rapid development was almost inevitable.
ü The Drama:-
The drama made a swift and wonderful leap into maturity in this age, yet it has still many early difficulties to overcome. On more than one occasion between 1590 and 1593 the theaters were closed owing to disturbances caused by the actors. In 1594 the problem was solved by the licensing of two troupes of players. Another early difficulty the drama has to face was its fondness for taking part in the quarrels of the time.
In spite of such difficulties, the drama reached the splendid consummation of Shakespeare’s art but before the period closed decline was apparent.
ü Religious tolerance:-
The most characteristic feature of the age was comparative religious tolerance, which was due largely to the queen’s influence. Upon her accession Elizabeth found the whole kingdom divided against itself, the north was largely catholic, while the southern countries were as strongly protestant.
Elizabeth favored both religious parties, and presently the world saw with amazement Catholics and protestant acting together as trusted counselors of a great sovereign. The defeat of Spanish armada established the reformation as a fact in England. And at the same time united all Englishman, in a magnificent national enthusiasm. For the first time since the reformation, the fundamental question of religious toleration seemed to be settled. And the mind of man, freed from religious fears and persecutions turned with great creative impulse to other forms of activity. It is partly from the new freedom on the mind that the age of Elizabeth received its greatest literary stimulus.
Social contentment:-
It was an age of comparative social contentment. The rapid increase of manufacturing towns gave employment to thousand who had before been idle and discontented. Increasing trade brought enormous wealth to England.
The increase of wealth, the improvement of living, the opportunity for labor, the new social content- these are factor, which help to account for the new literary activity.
Age of dreams,adventure and unbounded ENTHUSIASM:-
It is an age of dreams, of adventures, of unbounded enthusiasm springing from the new lands of fabulous riches revealed by English explorers. Drake sails around the world, shaping the mighty course which English colonizers shall follow through the centuries, and young philosopher Bacon is saying “ I have taken all knowledge for my province”. “ THE MIND MUST SEARCH FARHTER THAN EYES”. With new rich lands opened to the sight, the imagination must create new forms to people the new worlds. While her explorers search the new worlds for the fountain of youth, her poets are creating literary work that are young forever. Cabot, Gilbert, Raleigh- a score of explorers reveal a new earth to men’s eyes, and instantly literature creates a new heaven to match it. So dreams and deeds side by side and THE DREAM IS EVER GREATER THAN DEED. That is the meaning of literature.
To sum up, the age of Elizabeth was a rime of ‘intellectual liberty’, ‘of growing intelligence’ and ‘comfort among all classes’, ‘of unbounded patriotism’ and ‘of peace at home and abroad’.
In the age of Elizabeth literature turned instinctively to the drama (rise of drama) and brought it rapidly to the highest stage of its development.
The characteristics of renaissance are…
The renaissance stood for Humanism, the sympathetic and devoted study of mankind, instead of the theological devotion of the middle ages. Petrarch is regarded as the father of Humanism. this movement could be regarded for the turning away from the medieval tradition of asceticism and theology towards an interests in man’s life on earth.
The rise of rational spirit and of scientific investigation gave rise to a new approach to life whereas the medieval approach was based on reason. It laid emphasis on the importance of critical examination and evaluation of ideas and principles.
The Renaissance led to significant results. It brought about a transition from the medieval to the modern age. The period witnessed the end of the old and reactionary medieval spirit, and the beginning of the new spirit of science, reason and experimentation. The Renaissance gave a great impetus to art, architecture, learning and literature which reached tremendous heights.
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