Does literature lie???
Does literature lie or
it expresses universal truth?, that is the question arise in my mind while
studying literature.
I want to put forward my arguments with the books like
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Dr, Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, a story that
is in the 12th English and even Paradise Lost by John Milton.
me start by Dr. Faustus – a play by Christopher Marlowe. Setting of this play
is in Renaissance era. Very impressive description description is given in the
first monologue. He is the scholar from
the university from of Wittenberg. He has acquired all the knowledge available
at that time, like history, economics, medicine, law, physics and many other
fields. I can say that he has acquired such a large quantity of knowledge in 16th
century that may not have common people of 21st century. Dr. Faustus
was synonym of knowledge.
then even he was not satisfied with the knowledge he has!!!!!!!! He was still
hungry for more knowledge.
then to gain more knowledge he makes contract with Mephistopheles- a devil,
that Mephistopheles will give him power and after 24 years Faustus will give her soul to devil. Dr.
Faustus willingly accepts this!!!!!!!!!
Ultimately, Faustus in last monologue regrets and suffers a lot and dies a tragic death.
my point is that why knowledge is portrayed in negative shade by writer. The question in my mind is
that whether writers know universal- ultimate truth or they (writers) are also
biased? Is knowledge really destroy person or writer portrays it like this
because the contemporary society believed so?
we glance in the field of science and
technology then we come to know that knowledge of anything is becoming boon for
mankind. Edison, Newton, Einstein etc scientist were also hungry for more knowledge, and it is because of
their thrust for knowledge we ‘ve
electricity, technological gadgets, mobiles, heavy machinery, mobiles,
engines, transportation, progress in aeronautics (space), internet etc. all these things are essential part of our
day to day life.
these things won’t be there then we are still like cave men. what is the difference between them and us.
progress and development became possible only possible because of basic human
nature- desire to know more.
now if one tries to get knowledge what is wrong
in that – that he is portrayed in
negative way and given tragic end to his life.
like Faustus and Victor Frankenstein are like candle. they burn themselves
and give light to others. It is only
because of their sacrifice personal
lives and hard work, we enjoy all the privileges of our lives.
example is victor Frankenstein- a
protagonist of the novel ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley.
was an eccentric scientist, who wants to know the secret of life. He gives so
many years of his lives to the research that
it is possible to make dead person alive by electricity. And after a dedicated, determined hard work
of long time he did so. He joints the
different parts of the corpse and creates a monster- life into a dead one!!!!!!!!!
then the novel is full of suffering and pain of victor. He loses all his near
and dear- father, mother, brother and even his beloved Elizabeth. (all killed
by monster) and ultimately victor dies a tragic death.
again the question comes into my mind is that why Mary Shelley gave tragic end
to Victor? Why gaining a secrets of life- knowledge is curse rather than boon
in the novel?
this the warning to the 21st century people ( or any living
being) that don’t run behind knowledge
otherwise you will also suffer like
Victor!!!!!!! Is any writer can see what we common people cannot see? Or is it
true that “ Knowledge is unhappiness and Ignorance is bliss ?
Or writers are also biased ? or they have done injustice to their character.
Because they cannot think beyond social norms.
and Romanticism was a time when people were slowly and steadily coming out from
from dark age towards light. People have started to develop scientific approach
in their life. Rather than religion science was predominating every spheres of
writer is universal genius then why he prefers religion over science? To please few groups of people? To earn money? Or to threat people?
the same case with the Paradise Lost by John Milton. Where God punishes Adam
and Eve for eating a fruit of knowledge.
But why???? What is wrong in that???
developed countries like U.S, Japan and many others have prepared highly modern robots. Slowly we are moving
into the era of robotic culture. Recently I have read in newspaper that Robots
are used as a waiters in restaurant. Recently there was soccer competition of
robots, which was won by Australia. NASA is also sending robots into space. List is long……………
point for talking about the role of robots in 21st century is that
Basic idea to create like into dead one by electricity is taken from. Traces of this
idea is into the mind of Victor Frankenstein.
It (Robots) is becoming boon for for us then why
Monster becomes curse for Victor?? Or
because of that era writer don’t realize its importance.
Should we think in this way or it is indication
(like movie Robot) that this artificial intelligence will one day create
problem for its creator???
more example that I give that is a story from 12th English.
setting of this story is 2094- in future
and in this story technology is
portrayed as villainous.
is a story of a school girl who don’t like her mechanical teacher. ( mechanical
teacher means computer) there was a computer in her room where she used to
study whole day. There was some error in
her mechanical teacher , so that girl was relaxed- felling happy. But her mother calls technician and makes
computer functioning well. Then her
grandfather gives her book about school but that girl hates even name of school.
It was a printed book. She has never seen printed book in her life. She was
surprised to see stable words on book. This school girl considers it stupid that what is the use of this
printed book once after it read. She has
so many books on her computer screen.
then her grandfather tells her that IT IS A BOOK ABOUT THE SCHOOL THEY HAD.
her grandfather tells her story – once there were TEACHERS ( HUMAN BEING) to teach children. Then girl
speaks beautiful sentence that HOW CAN A
MAN BE A TEACHER? ( because of high technological era she was taught only by the computers.)
girl exclaimed that I will not allow any
unknown person to enter into my ho use. At that time her grandfather laughed
and replied that teachers do not come home to teach you.
was separate rooms and buildings for students. All boys and girls were going
there to study. It was a place called school. Then there is wonderful
description of REAL SCHOOL. The girl lost into the stories of her grandfather
& thinks about the days THEY HAD.- A
DAY OF REAL SCHOOL. Where every one was studying, laughing, playing, enjoying
together.( helping each other in homework, going school on bicycle, a time when
teachers were real man) REALLY
story, like many other stories is an futuristic vision of writer, that what
kind of schools will be there in the days to come. That school will be in
your drawing room. Teachers will be
replaced by the computers and lifeless, dull, monotonous teaching –learning
will be there. Education won’t be interesting as it is now. Computers can give
you knowledge but it can’t give you
love, affection and sympathy which teacher can. If teachers will be replaced by the computers then
it will kill the basic spirit of
is the thing I think writer wants to tell through this story.
the question comes in my mind is that why educational technology is shown as
harmful ? as I have asked in earlier parts , that same question can be ask here
again also.
as generally it is said and believed in literature) if writers are
extraordinary human being with futuristic insight then will it be true what he is telling in
his story? Is it a prediction for human race or HE IS A TRADITIONAL, ORTHODOX
have read and observed that new things
(invented) are not easily accepted by the people. You will be surprised to know that when electricity was invented, most
of the people were protesting it, rather than supporting it. Now can you live
today without electricity??? ( it means that contemporary people were wrong) so
writers are also part of that society who don’t realize the importance of new
Industrial Revolution heavy machinery was invented. At that time also people were protesting it-
that it will replace human being.
are still some people who prefer bullock cart over tractors in agriculture (
point is that every new things faces problems initially. Contemporary people
with traditional, orthodox mentality faces problems in accepting new things.
coin has two side. I am not denying negative parts of any. My point
particularly about this story is that – think about the positive changes technology can bring in
teaching- learning process. Audio, video, images and internet can give far
better learning experience which only teacher and ‘chalk and talk method’ can’t.
even though efficient , master and specialist in his subject cannot explain the
outside world really as it is. By sitting
in your classroom you cannot explain the glory of the African Jungle, but you can do that easily by showing
can neither go in space nor explain
SPACE ( stars, galaxy, planets) but you can show images and videos about
that to do it in better way.
is proved through research that Audio-
Visual teaching aids creates better understanding as well as this points goes
into long term memory of student.
flood, earthquake, water- air pollution, internal body mechanism, historically
important places, rivers, wonders of the world………etc… for students it is not
possible to visit but technology is boon that you can show anything through video or images as per need. It saves time
and money too.
why writer of that story focuses only on negative aspects of that?
what do you think……..???? may I ask you a question DOES LITERATURE LIE
???? ……OR ….????