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Friday, 18 March 2016


"Mahabharat" is the biggest book in the world containing 1,00,000 slokas. It is widely accepted that it wasnt the same in size in first edition.
First one was "Jay", with nearly 25,000 slokas, the second was "Bharat", the third and final is what we've today "Mahabharat"with 1 lakh slokas.
It is said that "Yanna Bharate tanna bharate", means whatever is in Mahabharat is everywhere and whatever is not here that is no where. This line is the biggest complement for the book. Because whatever happens in the world that we can observe in mahabharat also. Birth, love,hatred, rivalry, envy, greed for power, Good V/s Evil, betrayal, Morality- immorality & New Morality, Oath, WAR, killing- (Massacre), prosperity, peace and ultimately Death, - everything is present here.
This meta narrative stands as icon for Indian culture.
As a story it tries to include tale 

  • Mahabharat is divided into 18 Parva.
  • Adi Parva
  • Sabha Parva
  • Vana Parva
  • Virata Parva
  • Udyoga parva
  • -Bhishma parva
  •  Drona parva
  • Karna Parva
  • - Shalya parva
  • Sauptika Parva
  • Stri Parva
  • Shanti Parva
  • Anushasana Parva
  • Ashvamedhika Parva
  • Ashramavasika Parva
  • Mausala Parva
  • Mahaprasthanika Parva
  • Svargarohana Parva
  • Harivamsa Parva 

Waiting for Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee

Waiting for Barbarians

It is a novel, published in 1980 by Nobel Prize winner South African writer J.M.Coetzee. He has choosen title of the novel from a poem by C.P. Cavafy.
This novel can be read from post colonial perspective, in which colony writes back.
The novel is narrated by unnammed narrator - The Megistrate. People's peaceful life comes to an end when Empire declares the Emergency. Because Empire was thinking that some indigeneous people called "Barbarians"- native people are going to attack Empire.To know the secrets of the Barbarians (Natives) they bits them, torture them, rape them, kill them. Colonel Joll did unimaginable torture to people.But ultimately no one comes.
But now the real question arises that who are the barbarians?? Britishers( White people- Colonizer) or Native ???
To prove them Barbarians, these people have actually became the Barbarians.Colonel Joll is metaphor for entire Empire. He has created truth, which he wanted to prove. He anyhow wanted to prove that Barbarians are planing to attack them.

the Magistrate begins to question the legitimacy of imperialism and.personally nurses a barbarian girl who was left crippled and partly blinded by the Third Bureau's torturers. The Magistrate has an intimate yet uncertain relationship with the girl. Eventually, he decides to take her back to her people. 

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Things fall Apart by Chinua Achebe:-

Achebe portrays with simplicity & dignity the history of Africa.Imposition of colonial power in Ibo community is the heart of the novel. Writer minutely observes the turmoil resulting out from British rule.
Novel centres around the life of Okonkwo, who is a wrestling champion in the village. He didnt like his father, because he was interested in music and arts. It gives us vision to understand that in their community- interest in music or other arts of men were considered as affiminate, feminine quality. So he always hated his father and tried to be different than him.
Another major incident is killing of boy Ikemefuna. Just to prove his manliness he kills a boy who was much like his own son. Even that boy was considering him as a father.
Later on he killed a boy by gunshot, so he was exiled for seven years.
When he returns, everything was totally changed due to colonial effect. even his own som had Christian name and was going to missionary school. now nobody respects or pays attention to Okonkwo. Now even he is surprised to see his own people.
Novel is also open for feminist discourse, because men were having more than one wives. & women were bitten a lot by husband. Women were only child bearers for them.
At the end of the novel Okonkwo commits suicide, he hanged himself. And surprising thing is that nobody was ready to even touch his body. it was sin for the people. And more shocking thing is that Hero's death is described in just one paragraph in the novel.