Sense of an Ending is a Man Booker Prize (2011) winner text by Julian Barnes. The novel is comparatively shorter, but has unique philosophical depth to think.
The novel centre arounds the Tony Webster - narrator, who is in his 60s, and recreates past about his school days, girlfriend Veronica, and friend Adrian through his memory.The book is divided into two segments, the first part is entirely his memory narrative. The same incidents are narrated again in second part with DOCUMENTS. and surprising thing is that what Documents says is quite opposite from his story told by memory- example is Tony's Letter written to Adrian and Veronica. so, it will open new discourse on memory- that how far can we rely on memory?? it opens up the gate to deconstruct many narratives that are based on memory. Tony turnes out as unreliable narrator.
Apart from memory novel also critically ponders upon History & Documentation, as well as Existentialism- Concept of Suicide (philosophically).
* What is the meaning of
phrase ‘Blood Money’ in
Veronica’s reply email?
Sarah pays Tony to compensate him for the loss of Adrian. (This definition of blood money is payment by the murderer to the victim’s kin.) There is so little to tell us about Sarah and Adrian’s relationship, She says Adrian spoke highly of Tony. She says Adrian’s last months were happy. Perhaps she sees this payment as a way to wipe away her guilt and Tony as the only party remaining she can plausibly make it to. After all, how could she ever make it up to Veronica?
*How do you decipher the
equation: b = s – v x/+ a1 or
a2 + v + a1 X s = b?
until the secret opens, no one knew what does this equation mean? Later on it make sense. b= stands for baby, child.
s= stands for Sarah Ford, mother of Veronica.
a1= stands for Adrian
a2= stands for Antony(Tony Webster)
v= for Veronica.
After break up with Veronica, when Tony comes to know about relation of Veronica with Adrian, Tony writes a letter to Adrian. So, due to letter Adrian meets Sarah Ford.what happen between them is not told, but later on it is revealed that Young Adrian, who is age of 40- is mentally retarded is child of Adrian and Sarah. So young Adrian is brother of Veronica. Due to this Adrian Finn has to commit suicide.
so now, who is to be blamed for this???
It is Tony who wrote so terrible letter which lead Adrian to meet Sarah. so Tony also shares the chain of responsibility. at large extent his letter is to be blamed for consequences.
Adrian’s diary is willed to
Tony by Sarah Ford. How
come Sarah Ford owned it?
Why was it in the
possession of Veronica?
Diary of Adrian was possesed by Sarah, because he had relation with her. she told that last day of him were happy. so we can connect the dot that when both were spending time with each other, Adrian may have given diary to her.
Was the mentally retarded
middle aged ‘Adrian’, Tony’s
friend who did not commit
suicide and was suffering
from trauma and thus gone
mad, and was living with
hidden identity?
NO, it is not so. Adrian had commited suicide. But mentally retarded person is Sarah & Adrian's son, who is like this may be because of pregnency of Sarah at late age.
In the light of new
revelations, how do you
read character of Veronica?
Instinctive, manipulative,
calculating, stubborn,
haughty, sacrificial,
trustworthy, good
Interestingly we find two Veronica in the novel. The first image Tony created through his memory is not appropriate for the Veronica of the second part. We believe about Veronia whatever narrated by Tony in the first part. But when as a reader we directly come in contact with her- she is more carring, trustworthy, good samartian, who is taking lot of care of young Adrian. she is not calculative or stubborn, but rather more sacrificial.
What do you mean by
Unreliable Narrator? Is
Tony Webster classifiable as
Unreliable Narrator?
Yes, in second part Tony turns out as unreliable narrator.“Was this their exact
exchange? Almost certainly not. Still, it is my
best memory of their exchange.” (Pg 19) This single dialogue from the text itself is able to deconstruct Tony' s entire memory narration. Because he himself says that this are my best memories. Another example can be added is that of Tony's letter. In the first part Tony only says that he had written letter to Adrian & Veronica, but did not mention the ugliness of his letter. in part two when Veronica gives letter to him, even he is shocked to read his own letter.