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Tuesday, 5 April 2016

my various facebook post

Completed reading of "The White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga.
"I was looking for the keys, but the doors was always open"- The White Tiger.
# the best novel i've ever read.
# if you want to break the "MYTH OF SHINING INDIA" & "MERA BHARAT MAHAN" read The White Tiger.
# Corruption in politics and education, pollution, prostitutiion, hit & run, failure of governmental institution, Rich V/S poor conflict, Globalization and changing morality, two sides of India- Darkness and Light and many more things beautifully merged into a single plot in humorous and satirical, ironical way. # Must read novel!!!!!!

Completed reading of play "The Swamp Dwellers" by Wole Soyinka. - Very short but play with deeper layers of meaning.
Now begin to read novel " A Grain of Wheat" by Ngugi wa Thiongo.
"Kihika" signifies an inhuman heroism which is necessary for freedom and justice. He is the "Grain of wheat" of the title, WHO MUST DIE FOR NEW LIFE TO BEGIN.

    ‪#‎Radical‬ thinkers always supressed by authority. Shocked to read that Ngugi wa Thiongo was detained and after release Govt. dismissed from his academic job & harrased him out of the country in 1982. The reason was that his writing and 'peasant' workshop were bringing tremendous social changes, and this panicked the Govt.( Really people are by and large 'Lucky'- character of ‪#‎Waiting‬ for Godot- who will kick you if you try to make him free)
    -Interesting parallel we find happening around us also......
    ‪#‎Untill‬ we wont protect our intellectual people, humanity will never progress.‪#‎POWER‬ is not always right. As a society we've to grow and protect our intellectual treasure.
    We dont know what "We Dont know".‪#‎The‬ Da Vinci Code( Dan Brown)-Sophie Neuve and Prof.Langdon dont knew who they are. What Sophie wasnt believing her entire life she herself was that. What Langdon was writing it was with him. SOPHIE was the secret, and Langdon was the Protector, Knight, Secret keeper.But #"WE DONT KNOW WHAT WE DONT KNOW". Because "knowledge dawns", we will come to know only when time comes.
Nimesh Dave
For writing a movie review on " The Midnight's Children' and 'The Reluctant Faundamentalist'- Reading various theories about how to review a film. Now i come to know that u can not give comment on movie randomly, but u have to do it systematically, methodologically. if u like the movie, then why? and not , then why not?. script, plot, graphics, (mechanics of movie), cinematograpgy, sound, music, narrative technique, content of movie, time duration , level of enjoyment ...... and many more..
this all things one should keep in mind while reviewing films, which even i m surprised to know while reading.

Reading Ngugi Wa Thiongo's '-Decolonising the Minds'.
# Indians and Africans both were colonised by White people. but it is surprising that African people have tried more to free themselves from the clutches of White mentality, where as we are still blindlly obsessed with idea that West is superior.
i think we also have to think about the Decolonizing of our minds......

i m Reading "Manavi ni Bhavai"- a Gujarati novel by Pannalal patel. really mindblowing novel.

Friedrich Nietzsche declared the concept of “ Death of God”, which was taken in narrow sense by time. He gave an idea of : Übermensch - ‘superman’. Means a person with extraordinary abilities. For example‪#‎Krishna‬, or Jesus.Christ who were such supermen, who paved their own path. And which was followed by people in the time to come. So the solution of the question will be that one has to develop his own sense of morality.‪#‎God‬ will not come from heaven to guide you. He thinks in more advance way then T. S. Eliot. Where as Eliot goes into past for the solution of the contemporary problems.(Nimesh Dave)
Read similar interesting comments by Sem 3 students of Department of English - Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University in a blog task . . . in the comment section under this blog.


modernist literature background

 Characteristics of Modernism / literature:-
-high degree of complexity in structure
-anxiety and interrogation
-reworks tradition
-works are intensly self reflexive, exploring the process of their own composition.
-are often Fragmented and non linear, breaking up time frames and plots.
-some critics identify a sense of apocalypse & disaster in modernism.
-city based.
-it is also located in the context of Empire and world wars, of advanced military technology.
-a great deal of experimentation with language and form.
-an interest in subjectivity and the working of the human consciousness.
-often rejects realism & the idea that art has to capture reality.
-Modernist fiction defamiliarizes or makes strange what is common. MAKE IT NEW- is the Modernist slogan.
-highly elitist because it was complex and used allusions and classical references that called for great erudition- which was available only to certain classes of people.
★NOTHINGNESS Characteristics of modernist Literature.
Victorians V/S Modernist
☆ in the study of literature few things are most interesting than to consider periodic changes of outlook which sway the human mind and spirit, and to observe those fluctuations of value which cause the truths and certainties of one generation to appears as superstitions and baseless conventions in the eyes of the generation following.
★ young men & women during 20th century looked back upon the ( Victorian Age) as dully hypocritical.
★-Victorian ideals appeared mean and superficial and stupid.
☆from 1901 to 1925 English Literature was directed by mental attitudes, moral ideals and spiritual values at almost the opposite extreme to the attitudes, ideals & values governing Victorian literature.
★ the old certainties were certainties no longer.
★everything was held to be open to question.
☆test→ watchword of Modern Age.
★ standard of artistic craftmanship and of aesthetic appreciation began to change fundamentally.
★wha the Victorians had considered beautiful their children and grand children thought hideous.
→ intellectuals and artists at the turn of the 20th century believed the previous generation's way of doing things was a cultural dead end. they could forsee worlds events were spiraling into unknown territory. the stability and quietude of Victorian civilization were rapidly becoming a thing of the past.
★ the post victorian generation disliked the furnishings of victorian households, they were even more contemptuous of the furnishings of the victorian minds.
in the Victorian age there was a widespread and willing submission to the rule of expert.
the voice of authority was accepted in religion, in politics, in literature, in family life.
-hypocritical, artificial
-traditional narrative technique (Aristotle)
-Hardy, Dickens etc never broke the tradition of writing-way of telling.
-without questioning willing submission to the rule/voice of expert/authority/religion.
-old morality
-living in a house built on unshakable foundations and established in perpetuity.
-sense of stability
-home, constitution, Empire, religion are the best form.
-permanence of institutions.
-our empire will never shaken.
-all broken (Fragmented)
-stream of consciousness ( experimentation)
-no respect for tradition
-'Origin of species', 'Interpretation of Dreams'
-Faith in Freud & Darwin- book ( The Descent of Man)than the voice of God in book of Genesis.
-New Morality
-Skeptical- (somebody denying knowledge is possible)
-doubtful- question everything
-Agnostic-(somebody denying God's existence is provable).
-Campside-modernist idea
-body is home- we've to leave it.
you victorians were wanted to eat fruits of garden of entire world- their own generation.
# the great Victorian and Modernist conflict
‪#‎Morally‬ and mentally frustrated great Britain.
-☆ G.B.SHAW→Question, examine old superstitions.
Major Barbara-quote-you will upgrade things but not thinking &morality.
conflict with forefathers.
MASSMAN became important in 20th century.
mass production & threat/death of craftmanship.
Reader Response Theory emerged↓
Author is dead
craftmanship is not important.
reader: i will generate my meaning.
V.WOOLF-JACOB'S ROOM-------Esoteric ( abstruce) Difficult to understand.
★requires high intellect to understand
★ feeling of uneasiness, restlessness

The waste land by T S Eliot

This was my facebook post i had posted in sem 3
★ Characters of THE WASTE LAND BY T. S. ELIOT:-
The Cumaean Sibyl :- appears in the epigram at the head of the poem. A guest at a Roman feast in the satirical novel by Petronius, c. 27–66 a.d., The Satyricon, relates her story. Granted eternal life by Apollo, she neglected to ask also for eternal youth and lived a life in death, continually withering but never dying.
★ Ezra Pound :- American poet, author of The Cantos, edited The Waste Land, cutting it in half and giving it the shape and texture that define it as the ground-breaking work it is. In recognition of his craftsmanship, Eliot dedicated the poet to him, using the Italian inscription translated as “the better craftsman.”
☆ the poet narrator :- recites the poem, assuming many voices. In his own voice, he seems to be an intellectual and ineffectual man, tormented by a sense that history has run down, civilization has decayed and that culture, while comforting to his lonely soul, describes the failures and torments of mankind but cannot bring salvation.
☆★ Marie :- is the poet’s first interlocutor. She tells him over coffee of her past in Austria and of her cousin, who was the Archduke Rudolph, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne and how she used to go sledding in the mountains.
★ Isolde, the heroine of Richard Wagner’s opera Tristan und Isolde, is referred to in the quotation from the opera beginning at line 31. She falls desperately in love with Tristan, who had been sent by his king, Mark, to bring her back to him as a bride. Tristan falls in love with her, too, after they drink a love potion.
★ Madame Sosostris is a clairvoyant and tarot card reader, a fortune teller. As she turns over the cards in her deck, she introduces several of the characters present in the poem through allusion:
★★ the drowned Phoenician sailor :- refers to Phlebas the Phoenician, whose death is the subject of the “Death by Water” section of the poem.
★ the man with three staves, Eliot states in his notes, he associates with the Fisher King, the impotent ruler of the waste land, and the prevailing spirit of The Waste Land.
★★ the one-eyed merchant is a figure that may be associated with Mr. Eugenides, the Smyrna merchant in the third section of the poem who propositions the narrator.
★★the Hanged Man, Eliot says, he associates with the dying god and with the hooded figure in the last section of the poem, that is with Jesus as he was after his resurrection, when he appeared to some of his disciples on their way to Emmaus.
★★Stetson is a figure the narrator encounters on London Bridge, representing survivors of war.
★★“She” is the way Eliot identifies the wealthy and nervous woman in the richly appointed salon that begins the second section of the poem.
★★Cleopatra, the hot-tempered and volatile Egyptian queen, as she is portrayed in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, is present by allusion as a precursor spirit to the woman Eliot refers to as “she,” because her chair is compared to Cleopatra’s barge on the Nile.
★★tereus and Philomela are pictured over the mantelpiece. In the Metamorphoses, Ovid tells the story of how Tereus raped his wife’s sister, Philomela, and how he was changed into a hawk and she into a swallow.
Gossip in a dive is an unidentified cockney women who tells the story of:
★★lil, a woman who has had five children and an abortion and is old beyond her years. She would like to break off sexual relations with her husband.
★★lil’s husband is returning from the army and, according to the Gossip, will be looking for “a good time” with another woman if his wife is unavailable.
barman calls out that the bar is closing as the Gossip tells her tale.
★★Ophelia is the young woman used by her father and spurned by Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play, who dies by drowning. In the poem, the goodnights the bar patrons exchange segue into her last words in Hamlet. Mrs. Porter is the keeper of a brothel in a bawdy song from which Eliot quotes.
Her daughter is one of her prostitutes.
★★Sweeney, one of her clients, is a recurring figure in Eliot’s poetry and represents a rather degenerate example of the human species, governed by lust and greed.
★Mr. eugenides is the merchant referred to by Madame Sosostris. He propositions the narrator.
☆☆Tiresias, to whom the poet compares himself and who, Eliot explains is his notes, represents the point at which all the characters in the poem converge, is a character from Ovid’s Metamorphoses who existed serially as both male and female. In his final embodiment as a male he was blind but had the power of prophecy.
★the typist lives in a small bed-sitter.
★the Clerk is a vain young man who visits her.
★★the rhine Maidens, the spirits of the Rhine River from Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle, are parodied as thames Maidens, the spirit of the Thames.
★ Queen elizabeth i and her favorite, leicester, are imagined on the Thames, contrasting the opulence of the Renaissance with the industrial waste of Eliot’s time.
★★Saint Augustine, an early Church Father, is alluded to in the line referring to Carthage. Augustine wrote The Confessions in which he tells of his conversion from a dissolute youth to a life of religious asceticism.
★★ the buddha’s sermon in which he spoke of everything being on fire is referred to in the repetition of the word “burning.”
☆☆ roman soldiers are suggested by the allusion to “torchlight red on sweaty faces” in the final section of the poem, which presents the capture, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus in a series of images and allusions.
★★ the thunder is personified and made to speak the words of Prajapati, the Hindu God of creation.

the Prince of Aquitaine is a character in a poem by Gerard de Nerval, an early nineteenth-century French poet whom Eliot quotes. The prince, like the poet/narrator, laments the fallen glory of his condition by using the image of a fallen tower.
Hieronymo is a character in the Elizabethan revenge tragedy,
the Spanish tragedy, by Thomas Kyd. Eliot’s allusion suggests the vicissitudes of his own emotional condition when caught between the despair engendered in him by the waste land around him and within himself, and the as-yet-unrealizable possibility of salvation.

four point perspective on the rewards of reading literature

Respected sir,
 I have read whole article as well as also seen the video. The points discussed here are seems appropriate, because under the four main advantages of reading literature writer has cover most of possible advantages of reading literature. So it may possible that what I am writing as a my experience of advantage of reading literature that (may) already discussed in this article.
Sir, earlier once in our class we had discussed about the attack of terrorist on World Trade Centre, America. At that time you have told that all the terrorist were highly intellectual people, not common men. Every one cannot do that multitasking at same time which they were able to do.  So the question arise that why this sort of highly intellectual people agree to do such kind of disaster?. Then the research was done and it was proved that their brainwash was done.  And when their biographies were studied at that time it comes to know that they had not study literature in their life. So they have no sensitivity, feelings, humanity, love, affection which literature gives.  In research it was also proved that in comparison of students of literature, students of engineering, medical(doctors) are less sensitive. Why??? This is the result of literature. Literature makes us better human being. Rather than being self centered literature makes us world oriented. It gives vision to understand the outside world in better way. Reading of literature has many advantages like it gives aesthetic delight, information and knowledge. We cannot go in past(100 years back) but it through reading we can know about that. It gives better understanding of human nature
Thank you.   

Love jehad: Gunvant Shah

Respected sir,
Thank you for sharing article about Love Jehad and with reference of Gunvant Shah’s interesting article.
First the words love and jehad are seems controversial. Because love is something precious and beautiful gifnt to us. But then even religion and politics have spoiled this. People are playing with others emotions for the sake of religion and politics.
                Hindu girl marry a muslim boy that is generally called love jehad. But it is not so. In the news    paper I read that Muslim boys are marrying Hindu girl, then they force her to accept the islam. And if they(girl) deny to do so then they abandon the girls. This is the love jehad. Marrying a muslim is not a problem but if they are using this marriage for the spreading of the islam religion then it is wrong. Why pious love is used for this sort of bad things?
Women are not free in our society.  They are suppressed under power of patriarchy. We are living in the era of 21st century but still our thinking process, our behavior with women is very cruel like of hundred years back. Why it is so? We are calling ourselves civilized, but is it so?.
We should learn from the western country like England and America that how they are behaving with the women. There male and female considers as equal. So we should go into that directions rather than love jehad and all this things.