Respected sir,
Thank you very much for this wonderful article and debate.
§ About UPSC
First of all we should think that why students of the Northern States are against the English language.
v Students of northern states protesting it because they think that , student of English medium get more advantage in the exam.
v Hindi is official (National)language of india. so they think that we should prefer hindi rather than English and they also believe that without the use of English they can do well.
Now lets discuss this point from another perspectives
Is it possible now a days to live without knowledge of English language at the IPS and IAS level?
Importance of English language.
· English as a library language.
· English as a link language.
· English as an international language.
· Inter state language.
· English is a WINDOW to see the WORLD.
· Useful medium for widened our senses and knowledge.
· English is a spectacle for observe the bounderyless,limitless world,which is out side of india. (and more……)
English language is really a gift to us. we should not look at this with the mark of slavery. and we also should not forget that it is the language which help us in getting freedom. our freedom fighter get inspiration of freedom from the English books and the contemporary movement which was happening at that time in the world.
This are the very common incidents, but it shows that how English became necessary and important at very common stage of our life.
My point is that if common people cannot live without use of English then how can a person of IPS and IAS level could be?
And why those people who are protesting English they are not able to realize its usefulness?
For this incident I would like to quote a SLOCK ofBHARTUHARI from his great work ’NITISHATAKAM’’-agyani (fool) ne saralta thi samajavi shakay, vishesh gyani(scholar) ne vadhare saralta thi samjavi shakay, pan ocha gyan (knowledge) thi potane shreshtha (true,best) mannaar ne brahma pan rijvi,prasanna kari shakta nathi.(samjavi shakta nathi)
In this UPSC case thing is something like this…..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!.......
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