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Thursday 4 February 2016

The Birthday Party

The Birthday Party

The Birthday Party is written by Harold Pinter- Nobel winner author. The play is severely criticized by critics but Pinter clearly says that we don't need critics to tell public what to read.
The play is heavily a political play. Then even nothing is said in crystal clear style. From other work, and his Nobel speech we come to know that Pinter was strongly Anti- American. This open the gates for reader to read the play as  a political play.

Stanley Webber is a protagonist, who seems to be an artist(pianist), lives in a boarding house owned by Meg and Petey Boles, near somewhere cost in England. There two stranger named Goldberg and McCann comes who threatens and takes Stanley away to some unknown place.
Who were strangers?? Why they take Stanley away? What is the relationship between Stanley and Strangers?? Is Stanley really artist?? What is his past?? Etc. questions nearly remains unanswered.

The play is very much open for interpretation

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