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Thursday 4 February 2016

"Paradise Lost" by John Milton

 ‘Paradise lost

-       John Milton (1608-74)      

Milton was born in Bread street cheapside, London. He was educated at St. Paul’s school, London, and at Cambridge.
The great bulk of Milton’s poetry was written during two periods separated from each other by twenty years.  (1) the period of his University career and his study at Horton, from 1629 to 1640 and (2) the last years of his life , from about 1660 to 1674. The years between were filled by few sonnets.
        Milton’s style of writing is very Grand,(lofty style) so he became difficult to reads than other poets. it Is said that there was nothing written or printed which was not read by Milton.
Paradise Lost is a long epic poem in 12 books. The story of the epic is taken from the Bible. Major theme of this poem is Disobedience. The time and place of poem where it was written is 1656-1674, England, which is regarded as a Renaissance era of our English literature. Milton was also located in that time so that we can see effect of renaissance in his work paradise lost also.

 Renaissance features in paradise Lost
Ø Freedom
Ø Free will to exercise power
Ø Human choice (will power)
Ø Humanism
Ø Questioning spirit
Ø Adventure (of Eve)
Ø Love for human (humanism/ Adam- Eve)
Ø Wish/desire to become superior, powerful like God
Ø Challenge to God
Ø Not blind follower of Religion
Ø Ambition/aspirations

Original story of the Paradise Lost is taken from the Bible. Every character comes from the Bible. In the Bible all the characters are marginalized except god. It does not put fair emphasis on human and human perspectives. But Paradise Lost is a work of literature and literature always have human perspective. And as a result of human perspective Milton had scope to draw the characters freely. And Milton was situated in the renaissance era, so that Milton gave Paradise Lost a renaissance touch.
Renaissance spirit can be seen in the Paradise Lost. For example Eve’s quest for knowledge. Eve is not satisfied with what she had. Adam tells her many times that be careful about he Satan. But then even Satan succeeds in tempting Eve. And basic element in happening so is her desire, quest for knowledge. After so many warnings she ate forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. In her heart she had strong desire to get something more which is the basic spirit of renaissance.
        The renaissance is the rebirth of the human consciousness, the consciousness of being an individual, aspiring for the infinite. The renaissance was a breaking free from the restrained imposed by the feudal-ecclesiastical combine of the middle ages that reduced human being to cogs in the social machinery, enforcing a struck hierarchical and preventing upward   mobility for the imaginative journey.
The renaissance was therefore the rebellion of the free mind which would seek to realize its infinite potentiality and man of universalism. ‘nothing less than infinite can satisfy man’ declared Blake, the romantic imbued with the spirit of the renaissance. Satan imbued with the same renaissance ambition would rebel against god and thereby achieve infinite power such as Troletsch has pointed out ‘ the renaissance spirit would exploit his circumstances, the government as well as religious machinery  in order to ascend , socially, intellectually and spiritually.
        In telling the story of the fall of the man , Milton fully expresses the spirit of the renaissance . one of the fundamental attributes of Milton’s character was his love of freedom and the spirit of independence. In the story of the Adam there was the conflict between pre destination and free will. Without entering into theological controversy we can say that Milton was all for freedom, and pointed out how Adam plucked the fruit  out of his free will.(included no doubt by Eve) though he had been commanded by god not to do so. And as a result of Disobedience he fell under the heavy wrath of the god.
        Paradise Lost is great by reason of its vast imaginative range, and its deep moral earnestness. It was the influence of the renaissance, with spirit of humanism.
        After eating the first bite of the fruit from  the  forbidden tree of knowledge Eve thinks to became Equal and Superior to Adam. She also asks questions a lot to Adam.
“Are we free if we are inferior?”- EVE
 Eve also questions/ challenges god by telling them that Maker (God)  told them that they are free to do anything, but they constantly live under fear of Satan. In Paradise God told them to be happy but how can be they happy? Eve asked, where is happiness and free will if they have to live under fear?- wonderful question asked by Eve. ‘MAKER IS NOT PERFECT’. EVE challenges god . above all questions and arguments shows the questioning spirit of renaissance.
        Adam and Eve are also adventurous that they  dare to eat fruit which was forbidden be god. they  were aware about the heavy wrath of the heaven, though they eat, which is renaissance spirit.
        She taste the fruit because of desire to become God. she wanted to know more, to be more powerful. Adam and Eve are free to do anything, thus free will is also renaissance spirit depicted in the Paradise Lost.
Humanism/ love for human:-
When Adam comes to know about Eve’s taste of the forbidden fruit, he told that he can’t live without Eve. So he willingly takes step to eat the fruit. He knowingly disobey the god, for the sake of love. His intention was noble. Love for Eve (human) dragged him to do so. He sacrificed himself, thinks for other. He is not selfish. He prefers Eve over paradise and god. This all are the spirit of renaissance in the Paradise Lost.
Ø conclusion
        Thus quest for knowledge, Humanism, questioning spirit, desire to became god, ambition etc are the Renaissance characteristics in the Paradise Lost.

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