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Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Reading Adi parva, Mahabharata

Dilip Barad Sir, (Shared this article with us)
(This is written by Sumanta Banerjee is a cultural historian who specialises in research into popular culture, particularly of the colonial period. He is the author of many books, including The Parlour and the Streets: Elite and Popular Culture in Nineteenth Century Calcutta.)
·       See, how the original epics, myths and cultural stories are reinterpreted in recent times. The change in the political power, the dominant group’s attempt to legitimize cultural artifacts to appropriate it with their ideologies. The events remain the same but the language to narrate it changes. The language – the words changes our world view.
·       If the story of Aadi Parva, Mahabharata is told in modern day English it may sound very crude and vulgar.
·       It is narration of the event which is very important, wherein the narrator (historian) becomes very important as it is his relation to the event that matters more in his narration. Secondly, the language (words) used in narration becomes equally important.
·       Read the story of Aadi Parva in modern day english, in the context of changed power structure in India.

HOW WOULD YOU REACT TO THIS WRITEUP? Give your response in 100-200 words in reply email.

The Morality Tale That The Mahabharata Just Isn’t
Its epic transgressions surely cannot be the underpinning of the Sangh parivar’s Hindutva
The new chairperson of the Indian Council of Historical Research (appointed by the BJP-led government), Yellapragada Sudershan Rao, has promised to push research projects to rewrite ancient history based on the stories of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. According to him, they are truthful accounts of historical events. But he should be careful when choosing the epics.
The stories of the Mahabharata, for instance, are often at odds with the Hindutva that the BJP government and its parent Sangh parivar preach. Although the votaries of Hindutva worship the epic’s heroes and heroines, the messages that most of the latter impart may not be suitable for the present government’s programme to educate our people in the “moral and cultural values” that they want to uphold in the name of Hindutva. In fact, the deities and mortals described in the eighteen volumes of this hefty tome had never once been designated by the term ‘Hindu’. The Mahabharata may turn out to be a rather uncomfortable quarry for the BJP ministers and Sangh parivar historians to dig up models to suit a Hindu-specific Indian ideal of morality and culture.
The just-replaced health minister Harsh Vardhan (a medical practitioner!) played a major role in this effort to create a behavioural pattern based on a supposedly “Indian moral culture”. In an interview to the New York Times, he is reported to have recommended abstinence from “pre-marital and extra-marital sex” as a better means of avoiding aids instead of using condoms, since such abstinence is “a part of Indian culture”. In yet another effort to reform the sartorial preferences of Indian women, a BJP minister of Goa, Sudhir Davalkar, warned: “Scantily dressed girls (do) not fit in our culture.” Plans are also afoot to revive ‘Indian culture’ by RSS institute Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Samiti which has laid down guidelines for writing history from our puranas, to cleanse the current history textbooks of “corrupt Western cultural influences”.

The Mahabharata’s heroines did not conform to the Hindu ideal of female chastity our ministers want our women to follow.

But these views and norms about sexual practices and female behaviour and attire that these venerable gentlemen are propagating and laying down as the one—and only—‘Indian culture’ sanctified by their Hindu religious tradition were flouted by the heroes and heroines of the Mahabharata itself. Most of the heroines did not set much store by the Hindu ideal of female chastity that our ministers would want our women to follow. Going by the explicit description of the beautiful contours of their bodies (quite visible behind their dress) that we find in the epic, they beat hollow the hip-hugging jeans-clad women that the Sangh parivar’s moral guardians are objecting to. As for the heroes of the Mahabharata, they merrily indulged in pre-marital and extra-marital relationships. And let us not forget that they and their children, who were born out of wedlock, were elevated to positions of superheroes.
Birth of the ancestors of Kurus and Pandavas: Without pre-marital and extra-marital sex, which Dr Harsh Vardhan and his party leaders blame as the main cause of our problems, they would not have had their heroes like Veda Vyasa (who wrote the epic), and the sons that he bred through adulterous relationships (Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura), and his grandsons (the five Pandavas). Let us listen for instance to the story of the birth of Veda Vyasa, as described in the Adi Parva of Mahabharata: One day the great sage Parashara, in the course of his pilgrimage, arrived on the shores of the Yamuna river and saw an extraordinarily beautiful woman with a charming smile on her lips, seeing whom he was affected by the excruciating desire of making love to her. The woman happened to be Matsyagandha (her name meaning ‘smelling of fish’, since she was the adopted daughter of a fisherman family), who used to ferry passengers in her boat across the river. When Parashara approached her with his desire, she expressed her inability to immediately satisfy him, drawing his attention to the large number of rishis (sages) waiting on both banks of the river for her to carry them across. Parashara immediately created a fog that immersed the area in darkness—so that the rishis could not see what he planned to do. Although impressed by Par­ashara’s miracle, Matsyagandha pleaded: “But I shall lose my virginity if I satisfy your desire. How can I then go back to my home, and live in society?” Parashara said: “If you satisfy me, I shall give you whatever you pray for...and res­tore your virginity.” Matsyagandha prayed: “Please let my body exude a sweet smell.” Having been granted that req­uest, she agreed to sleep with Parashara—and in due course, gave birth to a son who came to be known as Krishna Dwaipayana (meaning dark-skinned and born on an isl­and). Vyasa left home to be an ascetic, but reassured his mot­her that he would come back to her whenever she needed him.
The chirharan Was putting Draupadi on stakes any lesser sin?

It was through Kshetraja or the practice of producing children through extra-marital recourse that Pandavas were born.

Sometime later, his mother (now known as Satyavati, her body “sweet-scented” and her “virginity restored”—thanks to Parashar’s blessings) got married to a king called Shantanu. Through him, she gave birth to two sons—Chitrangad and Vichitravirya. After Shantanu’s death, Chitrangad was killed in a battle, and Vichitravirya ascended the throne. He married two sisters—Ambika and Ambalika (both daughters of a king). TheAdi Parva describes how Vichitravirya failed to produce any children, even “after spending seven years with the two queens in continuous vihar (amorous frolic), (following which) he fell victim to tuberculosis in his youth,” and died despite sincere efforts by his friends and doctors. The problem started now. How were the two childless queens expected to carry on the dynasty? Their mother-in-law Satyavati first requested her stepson Bhishma (her late husband Shantanu’s son by his first marriage) to impregnate the two young widows. When he refused, she summoned her own first son Vyasa (who had promised to help her whenever she needed his help)—who was willing to solve the problem. But Vyasa, having followed a rather earthy lifestyle in the forests all these years as an ascetic, looked quite hideous and repelling to the two dainty queens. After being persuaded by Satyavati, her eldest daughter-in-law Ambika agreed to welcome Vyasa to her bed. But then seeing his ferocious countenance from close quarters—dark skin, blood-red eyes and matted hair—she closed her eyes in fear. After completing his required role, Vyasa told his mother Satyavati that although a son would be born endowed with superhuman mental and physical powers, he would be born blind—because Ambika had committed the error of closing her eyes during his conception. That was why Ambika gave birth to the blind Dhritarashtra. In order to correct the effects of the error, Satyavati sought another grandchild in the family who would be perfect this time. She recalled her son Vyasa again, to impregnate the second daughter-in-law Ambalika. But Ambalika again, at one glance at Vyasa’s fearful visage, turned pale—and thus gave birth to Pandu (coloured yellow). Disappointed by getting another imperfect (discoloured) grandson, Satyavati summoned her son Vyasa to again impregnate her first daughter-in-law Ambika. This time, however, Ambika subverted Satyavati’s plans. Refusing to suffer the unwelcome “sight and smells” of the jungle-bred Vyasa, Ambika cheated him by dressing up one of her beautiful slave girls in her own ornaments and sending her to him. Unlike the two queens, this woman, who suffered from no scruples, made love to Vyasa with all abandon, and a happy Vyasa blessed her with the words: “You are henceforth free from slavery, and your son will become extraordinarily wise and extremely pious.” Thus was born Vidura, the most perfect and intelligent of all the three brothers (Adi Parva).
Birth of the Pandavas
The legacy of pre-marital sex, and the practice of producing children through the extra-marital recourse (of requesting or appointing another male to impregnate the wife or widow), known as ‘kshetraja’, continued even after the birth (through such means) of the ancestors of the dynasty that Mahabharata celebrates. It was only thanks to the custom of ‘kshetraja’ that all the later Pandava heroes were born—Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna and the other two inconspicuous brothers (Nakula and Sahadeva)—whom the Sangh parivar worships, and its ideologues are at pains to turn into ‘historical characters’. Let us begin with the story of their mother Kunti. The Mahabharata describes how Kunti, the virgin daughter of a king, satisfied the sage Durvasa when he came to their house as a guest, and obtained from him a blessing that allowed her to summon any god who could impregnate her with their power to produce their respective sons. A young and impulsive Kunti, in order to test the veracity of the blessing, summoned the sun god, who immediately appeared and demanded satisfaction of his desire to sleep with her. Through a cunning combination of persuasion, threat and charm, the sun god seduced a reluctant and fearful Kunti, promising to restore her virginity, and then disappeared in the skies. But Kunti found herself left in the lurch, when she gave birth to a son born of the sun god. Scared of facing social ostracism for her impetuous act, Kunti got rid of her first-born by throwing him into a river. Luckily, a family (belonging to the lower caste of charioteers) picked up the son and brought him up, enabling him to emerge as the powerful warrior Karna (Adi Parva).
Swami Nithyananda The ‘obliging’ godmen of the modern era
After having hidden that act of sexual indiscretion, Kunti reappeared on the scene as a princess, ready to choose her husband from among numerous royal candidates, through a custom called swayamvara (which allowed the woman to embrace a spouse of her own choice from an assembly of candidates). Will the present BJP government—which claims to restore the so-called Hindu traditions—dare to re-establish the custom of swayamvara? To come back to Kunti, in the swayamvara assembly, she tied the garland of flowers around the neck of Pandu, thus announcing her choice of him as her husband. They led a happy married life, till one day Pandu, during a hunting spree, interrupted the mating of a pair of deer by shooting at them with his arrows. The deer were actually a human couple. The husband, who was the son of a sage, had decided that day to take on the form of a stag and transform his wife into a deer, to savour the delights of animal sexuality perhaps! Angered by being stopped mid-way in his adventure, the sage’s son cursed Pandu, predicting that he would die if he ever tried to make love to his wife. An anguished Pandu requested Kunti to conceive through other means, in response to which she made use of Parashara’s old blessing—and summoned, one by one, the gods Dharma, Vayu and Indra, sleeping with whom she gave birth respectively to Yudhishthira, Bhima and Arjuna. Requested further by Pandu to help his other wife Madri to conceive, Kunti summoned the twin gods Ashwini Kumars, who impregnated Madri which led to the birth of the other two Pandavas—Nakula and Sahadeva. The above accounts are from the Adi Parva, the first volume of the Mahabharata—which the Sangh parivar ideologues cannot surely dismiss as figments of a Marxist imagination! What follows in the next 17 volumes of this fantastic epic is a cornucopia of romantic stories, secret intrigues and surreptitious love affairs (with which the main narrative of battles and wars are interspersed) that unfold a variety of sexual lifestyles and inter-caste/racial liaisons (which had made possible the birth of Vidura in the past, and the later romance between Bhima and the forest-girl Hidimba, or the marriage of Arjuna with the Manipur princess Chitrangada).

Since RSS ideologues revere Mahabharata’s characters, they should permit the emulation of their liberal lifestyles.

If consenting adults in India today seek to follow a similar pluralistic lifestyle of multifaceted and multi-integrated romantic relationships cutting across caste/racial/religious lines, it invariably invites violent opprobrium from the parivar. In the rural areas, in the name of preserving the purity of the multi-tiered Hindu caste system, its ideology of ‘Indian culture and tradition’ encourages the khap panchayats to lynch any couple daring to follow the example of Bhima and Hidimba, or excommunicate a modern Vidura as ‘illegitimate’! In the urban areas of India, the same ideology encourages a xenophobic, aggressive bias against people from the non-Hindi-speaking northeast—leading to the rape of today’s Chitrangadas of Manipur in the streets of national capital Delhi.
Sangh parivar sants and BJP politicians in the role of gods of the epics: As for the heroes and heroines of Mahabharata, the ideologues of the Sangh parivar may explain away their acts of pre- and extra-marital sex, inter-caste or inter-racial relationships, as blessed and sanctioned by the gods. But since those divine progenitors of the Pandavas—Dharma, Vayu and Indra—have failed to reappear in modern times, the Sangh parivar appears to be creating their human counterparts in the shape of godmen and MPs and mlas. We thus find characters like Asaram Bapu and his son Narayan Sai from north India, and Nithyananda from south India—all close to the parivar—taking on the role of gods to seduce their female devotees with the promise of divine salvation. They are facing criminal charges in the courts. Then, there are the BJP ministers and leaders, like Nihal Chand Meghwal (Union minister of state for chemicals and fertilisers), Kri­shnamurti Bandhi (BJP MLA from Chhattisgarh) and Madhu Chavan (BJP leader from Maharashtra) among many others—who have been accused of rape. They can perhaps be seen by the followers of Sangh parivar as reincarnations of the all-mighty rishis of the past (Parashara, Durvasa and others who could always get their own way by threats or curse), and as a privileged lot like them, can pick up any female of their choice, and—because of their present political clout—can silence their victims and their families with threats of elimination.
Given this reality, the present BJP-led government and its ideologues will have to make up their mind about the Maha­bharata. Since they revere the heroes and heroines of the epic, and want to prove that they were historical characters, they should permit the common citizens to emulate the liberal lifestyle that they led. But then, what happens to the Sangh parivar’s grandiose plan of creating “a morally pure Hindu” society populated by sexually constipated men and women? In order to overcome this embarrassing dilemma, the BJP government and its RSS mentors have two options. One, in obeisance to both the female and male deities and and mortals who are described in the epic as following a rather permissive sex life, they should scrap their own programme of imposing rules and restrictions for the man-woman relationship, ignore cases of pre-marital sex or relationships between consensual partners, and stop branding inter-religious liaisons like a Muslim boy’s love affair with a Hindu girl as ‘love jehad’. The other option is banning the Mahabharata in its original version altogether—so that the public does not have access to the full text. The RSS historians can bring out, instead, sanitised editions of the epic that blot out the explicitly described stories of the promiscuity of their deities and the birth of their heroes and heroines.

Here is my reply 

Respected sir,
I read this beautiful E-mail. Oh my god ! what a interpretation of Adi parva of Mahabharata in modern way. We all know the story from our childhood, but never ever try to read this in this way. Actually now I realize that our minds are conditioned from childhood to read things in a particular way. This is really major issue that in our past people were not rigid, orthodox. Female had freedom to choose life partner. Pre marital and extra marital relation were also there but now a days Sangh or politicians controls our freedom on the name of so called culture. They are in power, so they have legitimized that Hindu should live like this.  But HINDU RELIGION was never rigid  in past this we can definitely say when we read book like Mahabharata.

Virginia Woolf -Quotation

Virginia Woolf -Quotation

This blog is written as a part of online discussion at Department of English, MKBU.
Dilip Barad Sir:
All students:
Here is an interesting writeup with top 10 quotes from Virginia Woolf.
Your task is to identify top 3 from these ten quotes and organise in the sequence of ur likeness. Do not miss to give the reason/s for your likeness.
Time duration 1 week. (18 to 25 Sept 20 15 )
10 Virginia Woolf Quotes That Show Us Why She's Still a Literary Boss
Virginia Woolf is always one of my picks when we play the, “Who would you invite to dinner?” game. (Amy Poehler and maybe Björk would also be there.) There is nothing that I wouldn’t want to talk with Virginia Woolf about, from the suffragette movement to literary criticism to what it was like to have William Thackery as a half-grandpa. I would impress her with tales of #yeseverywoman and horrify her with tales of Kim Kardashian’s fame, and she could tell me what it was like to be a founding member of the Bloomsbury Group. We would drink absinthe and laugh about love affairs that once seemed tragic, and Björk could compose a rock opera about it, set on Mars.
Yes, I have though about this once or twice.
We would all compare notes on life now versus life in 1882 when Ms Woolf was born, and life since 1941, when she filled her pockets with stones and walked into a river. I would ask her how she did it all, how she swam against the stream of propriety and expectation and convention, to become one of the greatest Modernist writers we’ve ever had, and a feminist whose words we’ve never stopped repeating. And then we’d eat the cake that Amy Poehler baked, discuss each of her most profound quotes in great detail, and make plans for our next dinner party.
With your birthday approaching on January 25, Ginnie, I want to say thanks for all the words of wisdom. Here, 10 Virginia Woolf quotes that show us why we need to keep remembering her years later.
1. “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”
Hell yes. Since Woolf published her famous essay in 1929, “A Room of One’s Own” has become a feminist battlecry. Appropriated from its intended audience of female artists, the simple demand for independence and privacy now feels like the most basic — though sometimes most difficult to achieve — right of women everywhere.
2. “So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say.”
Virginia Woolf wrote whatever subject she felt like writing about in whatever style she felt like writing in. Diaries, stream of consciousness, “purple” prose — Woolf refused to be pigeonholed. Oh, and she wouldn’t even give anybody a chance to reject her writing, by going straight to self-publishing.
3. “The older one grows, the more one likes indecency.”
Forget propriety and expectations. We can try to blame the Roaring ‘20s, but Woolf didn’t like to deny herself certain pleasures, whether it was a good book, a good debate, or an extramarital affair with another woman.
4. “Never pretend that the things you haven't got are not worth having.”
Virginia Woolf was not a complacent woman. She worked for the things she wanted with tireless enthusiasm, whether the pursuit was political, romantic, professional, or intellectual. Pretty cool for a woman practically bred for entitlement.
5. “To admit authorities, however heavily furred and gowned, into our libraries and let them tell us how to read, what to read, what value to place upon what we read, is to destroy the spirit of freedom which is the breath of those sanctuaries.”
Woolf was a member of the intellectual class, but she wasn’t a snob. She wrote a lot about books and reading, and was adamant that access, not judgment, was what readers deserved. It would have been fun to know what she thought of Fifty Shades of Grey.
6. “They can because they think they can.”
Virginia Woolf didn’t like limitations, and gave us robust, thinking female protagonists, from party-throwing Clarissa Dalloway to portrait-painting Lily Briscoe. But of course, the person who broke through the most barriers, rose to the most challenges, was Woolf herself.
7. “Once she knows how to read there's only one thing you can teach her to believe in and that is herself.”

Woolf believed women should possess intelligence and independence and pursued both in her life and her writing. Many of her protagonists struggle with the desire to achieve one or both of these things.
8. “The history of men’s opposition to women’s emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of emancipation itself.”
Virginia Woolf was not naïve enough to believe that just because women got the vote, that they had achieved equality. The more things change…
9. "It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple: one must be a woman manly, or a man womanly."
Woolf often said that she was bored by men, and a belief in gender fluidity and sexual freedom paired with her lackluster confidence in men’s authority was evident in much of her writing. Don’t let the cardigans fool you.
10. “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”
In a time when silence, exile, denial, and shame were the prevailing attitudes towards sufferers of sexual abuse and mental illness, Woolf remained open and honest about her struggles. In the end, the knowledge that she could not escape her illness nor survive it any longer drove her to suicide at age 59, but she never once pretended that it wasn’t happening to her.

Here is my reply,

(1). They can because they think they can.
this is my most favorite quotation. it tells so many things, which can be extended in many pages. Before doing anything, self-confidence is necessary.
(Kadam ho  asthir ene marg nathi jadto,
Adag mann na manvi ne Himalay pan nthi nadto").
many times before giving stage performance we feel self-doubt, whether I can do this or not?. The. Moment you doubt yourself, you will fail. on the contrary, successful performer always says that they are self-confident that they can do it.

The character of Lily Brisco in To The Lighthouse is fine example of this that she finally achieves her vision and completes her painting. Even though Charles Tansley says that " women cannot paint or write. But then even she doesn’t lose confidence because she thinks she can.
(2) Never pretend that the things you haven't got are not worth having.
it is a human Psychology to satisfy his/her own ego, one always thinks that the things which they don’t get were not good for them.
in school our teacher of Psychology gave us example that A boy wanted to marry a beautiful girl, but he cant. so that boy satisfy himself by telling  that her character is not good.
( Grapes:Draksh khati che!!!!)
same thing Woolf says that if you don’t able to get things, then you are at fault. don’t blame the things.

(3) A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.

During Victorian time women used to read secretly. women like Jane Austen were hiding books under knitting. Even Mary Anne Evans had  to change her name to George Eliot. all this examples shows hardships of women in society. it demands freedom from patriarchy.
at the same time, female: wife or daughter are totally dependent on husband, father or brother. if they have to rely on men for small things, then we cannot expect much.

 A room of her own means total freedom & enough money, free to use the way she want.

faith in films

This blog is written as a  part of online discussion at Department of English, MKBU.

Dilip Barad Sir:-
Do you agree with the
With the idea shared in the attached pdf article that ‘Faith is a commodity” – and film makers do not fail to encash it by exploiting religious sentiments of the people.
Thus, the hero Bajirao Singham with his villager-like-morality is shown taking deep in pond near temple and have faith in God.
Even in Hollywood movie – Gravity, Kowalsky watches the Ganges gleam in the sun from millions of miles away. He even appears to Stone probably in her imagination, probably as a spirit to guide her and help her get the Soyuz close to the Chinese space station the Tiangong. The St Christopher postcard on the Soyuz, the statue of the Budai or the Laughing Buddha, the constant references Stone makes to her dead daughter and how she finally prays.

Do you think that when in Singham Returns the hero narrates the importance of Dargah having some mystical power and police have deep faith as on several occasion when the policemen bowed down to the Dargah, the thieves were caught, the Censor Board should either cut this scene as it spreads superstition or there should be a warning line as we see while some characters smoke or drink liquor on screen that – Smoking/Drinking is harmful to the health; here it can be such blind belief and superstitions are harmful to society?
Do you agree with the last paragraph in the write-up in attached pdf document?

Here is my reply,

Displaying image001.jpgDisplaying image001.jpg
Respected sir,
First of all let me make it clear that I haven’t seen the movie singham return, then even I am trying to express my views on the discussion aboutFaith.
I have seen photograph and read the pdf article about it in mail. We  can discuss  this point from both the perspectives.
One way we can agree upon the point that in movies filmmakers are presenting the things which looks like as if we are living in the 16thcentury. The hero (Singham) is deep in water in the pond and cop’s belief about the Dargah, this sort of things make us feel that if still we believe in all this things than how can we say ourself modern? Even heroes and police man presenting the things like of the uneducated rural man. They are using faith of the people as a medium, to earn more. Filmmakers playing with the faith of the people and this is in my opinion turning out to be greatest weakness of our people. If we think practically then we might laugh at them that how it is possible that you go into dargah and thief will be caught.
On the other end we can also put counter argument that they are not using faith of the people as a commodity but filmmakers are just trying to show the reality of the society. As we say that literature is the mirror of society so in one way movies are also literature and through movies they are just showing us that what is society. Films are the representations of our society. After all policemen are also humanbeing and moviemakers have presented it from their observation.
Faith is very personal thing and we can not totally denied it. we cannot prove the existence of the god , at the same time we are  also unable to prove that there is not god at all. we cannot say that Faith in the god  or its presentation in movies and literature is symbol of blindfaith Because when SUNITA WILLIAMS went in the SPACE she herself had taken an idol of LORD GANESH with her. So does it mean that Sunita Williams is uneducated, believer of blindfaith and is a village mentality person?????!!!!!!!
Even in Hollywood movies they are not free from this. There are many such movies which shows that when situation is out of control that time they put every thing upon god. They are far ahead than us in science and technology and even in thinking and imagination. Then even in their movies we find things regarding the faith.
And if we look into our own self then we find that in one or the another way we also believe in some super natural  power. At some extent in our life believe that because of faith in god i am succeed in work or failed becoz  i have no faith in god. THIS IS HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY.
Ø But it is matter of faith. I don’t think that there is any need to cut this scene or to write caution on the screen because  i think that they are just bringing out the truth of human nature. Perhaps in literary term we may say that they are making satire on us, they laugh at us. As in Anti-sentimental comedy we laugh at the character but in actually we laugh at our self, because the characters are representatives of the society. And one more thing is that in movie they are showing faith in Dargah , which is not hindu place. So we cannot say that Faith is Commodity. And the larger audience is hindu so if they wanted to earn on the name of religion andFaith then they might have used any famous hindu place. But it is not so. They  are showing as it is (JUST)  image of people.  
Respected sir,
First of all let me make it clear that I haven’t seen the movie singham return, then even I am trying to express my views on the discussion about Faith.
I have seen photograph and read the pdf article about it in mail. We  can discuss  this point from both the perspectives.
One way we can agree upon the point that in movies filmmakers are presenting the things which looks like as if we are living in the 16thcentury. The hero (Singham) is deep in water in the pond and cop’s belief about the Dargah, this sort of things make us feel that if still we believe in all this things than how can we say ourself modern? Even heroes and police man presenting the things like of the uneducated rural man. They are using faith of the people as a medium, to earn more. Filmmakers playing with the faith of the people and this is in my opinion turning out to be greatest weakness of our people. If we think practically then we might laugh at them that how it is possible that you go into dargah and thief will be caught.
On the other end we can also put counter argument that they are not using faith of the people as a commodity but filmmakers are just trying to show the reality of the society. As we say that literature is the mirror of society so in one way movies are also literature and through movies they are just showing us that what is society. Films are the representations of our society. After all policemen are also humanbeing and moviemakers have presented it from their observation.
Faith is very personal thing and we can not totally denied it. we cannot prove the existence of the god , at the same time we are  also unable to prove that there is not god at all. we cannot say that Faith in the god  or its presentation in movies and literature is symbol of blindfaith Because when SUNITA WILLIAMS went in the SPACE she herself had taken an idol of LORD GANESH with her. So does it mean that Sunita Williams is uneducated, believer of blindfaith and is a village mentality person?????!!!!!!!
Even in Hollywood movies they are not free from this. There are many such movies which shows that when situation is out of control that time they put every thing upon god. They are far ahead than us in science and technology and even in thinking and imagination. Then even in their movies we find things regarding the faith.
And if we look into our own self then we find that in one or the another way we also believe in some super natural  power. At some extent in our life believe that because of faith in god i am succeed in work or failed becoz  i have no faith in god. THIS IS HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY.
Ø But it is matter of faith. I don’t think that there is any need to cut this scene or to write caution on the screen because  i think that they are just bringing out the truth of human nature. Perhaps in literary term we may say that they are making satire on us, they laugh at us. As in Anti-sentimental comedy we laugh at the character but in actually we laugh at our self, because the characters are representatives of the society. And one more thing is that in movie they are showing faith in Dargah , which is not hindu place. So we cannot say that Faith is Commodity. And the larger audience is hindu so if they wanted to earn on the name of religion andFaith then they might have used any famous hindu place. But it is not so. They  are showing as it is (JUST)  image of people.  

Monday, 4 April 2016

Chetan Bhagat: Half girlfriend debate

This blog is written as a part of online discussion at Department of English
Dilip Barad sir,
Dear All,
We have viewed two TV discussions on Chetan Bhagat’s new novel ‘Half Girlfriend’
 You are supposed to give your opinion on Chetan Bhagat Phenomenon in Indian English Literature.
Sem 1:
You can view Chetan Bhagat as Dryden views Shakespeare in comparison to Ben Johnson and other writers. He was able to see some merits along with demerits in Shakespeare. It will be an exaggeration if we say that Chetan Bhagat will be remembered as Shakespeare of India (in a sense that Shakespeare was popular dramatist with little critical acclaim in his days).
Sem 3:
Along with above given point, you can view it as fourth goal of Cultural Studies i.e. ‘Cultural Studies analyzes not only the cultural work, but also the means of production.”
How marketing has become important for selling literature?
Literature as a commodity.
Literature is a product to be sold to the consumers.
How far is it necessary in this process of ‘selling book’ to be politically, culturally, socially CORRECT?
If the writer writes about bitter truths of society / if he tries to present ugly X-Ray image of society/culture, WILL HE BE ABLE TO SELL HIS BOOKS?
If the answer is NO. Can we say that CB plays very safe in being politically, culturally, socially on the RIGHT side of the things?
Is that the secret of his success?
If NO. What else can be the secret KEY to unlock the secret of his stupendous success?

Following is my reply...
Respected sir,
Thank you very much for bringing into discussion very current issue of Chetan Bhagat.
Sir recently I have read Bhagat’s  novels One Night @ the Call Center  and Five point someone. and  also watch both of his videos.
While reading his novels I realize his great strength of story telling/narrative technique. Theme of his novels are largely  based on Young Generation of India.Characters  in the novel  One Night @ the Call Center  like Shyam, Varun, Military uncle,Priyanka, Esha and Radhika are LIFELIKE. In one or the another way we can compare ourself with the characters.stories of his novels are very common, it comes from our routine life but it is Bhagat’s creativity and way of presentation that makes it more interesting.
It is exaggeration to call him Shakespeare of our time but now a days he is one of the most popular English writer in our country. The reason is that when we read English or American literature it becomes difficult for all the readers to understand that concept of many of the books, like colonialism, imperialism, feminism, history of that country etc. because books represents culture of society  and we are not part of that society so it is difficult to understand. But when we read books of Chetan Bhagat his Setting/background, concept, characters, word selection every thing is Indian. Even word to word translation of hindi words and proverbs creats humour in the novel. when we read his novels it looks like as if we are watching movies or things are happening in front of our eyes, Just according to Dryden’s definition that play should be JUST and LIVELY image. He presents reality of our contemporary reality as it is(JUST). He brought out reality, truth of society(especially youth),  it may be harsh, difficult to accept. 
He is good writer ,writing about  current issues of the society and even readers are appreciating his writing then even critics are criticizing him, and calling him Salman khan or Rakhi sawant of Indian writing in English. It is critic’s job to criticize. But perhaps time will come when Chetan Bhagat will considered as a CLASSIC writer as now we have Shakespeare. If we look back into the history then we find that those writer who are consider as a greatest writer now a days , they were neither given importance in their lifetime nor their work was considered as a good work. There are many examples in which author themselves had burnt their books due to outer social, political and religion forces. Or they 

Missed history being created on 15th August? Enjoy extracts of PM's inspiring speech from Red Fort

This blog is written as a part of my online discussion about Prime Minister's speech.

Respected sir,
Thank you for sharing such a useful videos of the speech of our prime minister Naredra Modi, on 15th august. I  was watching him live on the television. Really, he had delivered such a  well organized speech, talking about the different issues of our country. We have got independence many years ago, but still it seems that the development of our country is not at the level, where it should be. And Mr,P.M. is talking about that all issues, which is good for our country. He talk about the basic need of making toilet in villages ,is truly great thing. He talked about development, Swachch Bharat, Jan Dhan Yojna, Make in India, Aadarsh Gram Yojna and many other things. He talk about all the people like, villagers, industrialist, young people, farmers etc. thus it was really one of the great speech. Thank you   

Threats to Creativity and Freedom of Expression

This blog is written as a part of online discussion about following topic.

Dilip Barad sir:-

All students:
Here is attached a brief interview of Javed Akhtar.
There are some rumours about A R Rahman to give music in an Iranian film on Mohmad Paigambar. It is not permitted under Quran to portray Mohmad Paigambar in painting or moving picture. If A R Rahman is involved in such film, it may hurt religious sensibilities of Indian Muslims and so he is threatened that there may be Fatwa against him.

Secondly, there is a film being planned on the life of Tipu Sultan - a Muslim ruler of Mysore. It is rumoured that Rajnikant will play the role of Tipu Sultan. This has hurt religious sensibilities of Hindus. It is also belived that Tipu was against Tamils and so no Tamil should play any role in the biopic on Tipu.

Well, the majority exerts their likeness and prejudices over the minorities and in the process construct a 'culture'. The said culture is appropriate for the majority and so most of them believe it to be moral / right / true way of living life. Later on, such way of life is 'naturalised' and justified by mythical stories of brave people belonging to the majority.

Literary writers, by and large, are part of the process. At times, literary writers pose a threat or protest to such process. Such protests of past are not visible today ad history rarely takes notice of it. But we can read them as they happen while we are living. Observing contemporary times with spectacles of historical sense makes us aware of such process.

Here is an example in this small interview. Javed Akhtar writes that he would rethink several times to write a scene written in Sholay.

What is that scene? Why would he rethink before writing of such scenes?
What do you comprehend from the interview?

Be brief, precise and to the point in your reply.

The topic is really controversial, one should take this kind of issues sensitively.
But what I feel is that Art and artist must be free from this. We should not be stick to the fundamentals, but we have to be flexible, radical. What we have discussed while discussing movie The Reluctant Fundamentalist, that owner of multinational company and leader of terrorist group insist Changez to follow Fundamentals. We don’t have to follow word by word what is written in religious books. This is called the Reluctant Fundamentalist. Same thing can be apply here also. Don’t bind artists by such narrow concepts, because after allHUMAN BEING IS MORTAL, AND ART IS PERMANENT.
In movie, there is scene of Dharmendra speaking behind idol to Hema. The scene is rather innocent, but few people, as usual may have problem. Because it hurts religious sentiments. The same kind of scene is also in the movie GOPI- KISHSAN, where brother uses name of god to do his work. But now a days one has to be careful in doing such things.

As well as why one should not do role of Tipu Sultan? Only because of religious differences??. Religion is construction. At the same time historical knowledge about him is also problematic. In interview it is said that he was portrayed in negative way, but he was a rather good figure. And whether he is good or bad, what is wrong in just playing role of him?  In Art there should be freedom.
Ancient sculpture is fine example of free, open minded society, in which we can see many nude sculptures.
Thus, rather than protesting , we have to support art and artist.

"Women Who Wear Leggings Are Immoral"- online discussion

Dilip Barad sir shared following article with all the students of Department of English, MKBU. so, this blog is written as a part of my reply to it.

to understand the whole point i have first put the original article and below it are my views regarding it.
Dear Dilipsinh,
"Kumudam has chosen to print sleazy photos of women without their consent... along with a poem that says men can't help but ogle women." 
Kavitha says, "Kumudam, a Tamil magazine... thinks they can get away with moral policing and publicly shaming women."
Sign Kavitha's petition to make the magazine apologise.

Kumudam! Apologise for your story insulting women and be responsible!

kavitha muralidharan 
Chennai, India
Women who wear leggings are immoral! That’s what Kumudam, a popular Tamil Magazine, thinks. 
Kumudam has also printed several photos of women wearing leggings without their consent! If the women are wearing Kurtas over their leggings, the magazine has chosen to print sleazy photographs where the wind is blowing up their kurta. 
This is sickening behaviour! Sign our petition and make Kumudam magazine apologise for this tasteless story. 
The magazine has also printed a poem by an anonymous male author - who says men can’t help but ogle women, so it is the responsibility of women to dress ‘decently’. 
Kumudam thinks it can get away with moral policing and publicly shaming women! We need to show them that if they publish such stories, they too will be held publicly accountable. 
Kumudam’s editor and managing director have refused to comment on this story. They’re refusing to acknowledge that their magazine has done anything wrong.  
Sadly, this is not the first time that Kumudam has demeaned women. They have run many such sensational stories wherethey degrade women. Kumudam has to be held accountable! 
Sign my petition and make Kumudam apologise and promise to publish responsible stories. 
I am a female journalist and Kumudam’s history of objectifying and judging women sickens me. If enough people sign this petition, we can show Kumudam that their readers and theiraudience will not tolerate such stories
If we make Kumudam apologise, other media outlets will think twice before running ‘stories’ such as this. Sign my petition and make Kumudam apologise and promise to engage in responsible journalism.

Clothes and morality has nothing to do with each other. even in 21st century we think like this,  then it is not sign of healthy society. it looks like a Puritan mentality.
Cavemen & women were not wearing clothes at all. so what about their morality? were they all immoral???. morality & immorality are human creation. there is actually nothing like this.

Time is changing, we also have to change. be flexie &  change with time.


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