Dilip Barad sir shared following article with all the students of Department of English, MKBU. so, this blog is written as a part of my reply to it.
to understand the whole point i have first put the original article and below it are my views regarding it.

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Clothes and morality has nothing to do with each other. even in 21st century we think like this, then it is not sign of healthy society. it looks like a Puritan mentality.
Cavemen & women were not wearing clothes at all. so what about their morality? were they all immoral???. morality & immorality are human creation. there is actually nothing like this.
Time is changing, we also have to change. be flexie & change with time.
рдЗрди рд╕рднी рдХी рдЧुрдгрд╡рдХ्рддा рдоें
рдХोрдИ рдХрдоी рдирд╣ीं рдеी рдлिрд░ рднी
рдмाрдЬाрд░ рд╕े рдмाрд╣рд░ рд╣ो рдЧрдП
рдХाрд░рдг рд╕рдордп рдХे рд╕ाрде
рдмрджрд▓ाрд╡ рдирд╣ीं рдХिрдпा ।।
рдмрджрд▓ाрд╡ рдк्рд░рдХृрддि рдХा рдиिрдпрдо рд╣ै।।
Thanks for sharing this informative information about leggings for women with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!