"Karnabharam" title itself suggests its meaning that
"Karnasya bharam iti Karnabharam". Word Karna has two
meaning- First it mean EAR, and second it is the name of the protagonist. 'Bharam'
means weight, pressure. So, it connotes two meaning that Ear's weight because
of "KAVACH & KUNDAL. and second
KURUKSHETRA WAR is going on. and Karna was the newly elected Senapati of
Kauravas. so, its pressure.
★Myth of Karna's
birth & Kavach Kundal:-
it is said that Karna was born to Kunti by reciting Mantra before
her marriage.
When Kunti was young girl at that time she had done good service
to a Rishi Durvasa. Impressed by her service he asked her for boon. She denied and
told that i am princess right now. I have everything. But you can look into future,
so give me the thing which i may require in future. so he gave her Mantra of God,
by reciting it she can have son of that god. Unmarried Kunti tried this in curiousness
that whether it works or not. it worked and Karna-son of God Sun was born. Afraid
of society Kunti left Karna into basket and then into river. But he was son of god
sun- so god gave him Kavach & Kundal and a boon that untill he wear this he
will be never killed in war.Kavach & Kundal were attached to his body naturally
or we can say it was inborn.
For Pandavas it was inevitable to kill Karna. so God/ lord Indra
comes to help them.
The play begins by Indra entering as Brahmin, where Karna was
doing his morning pooja.Every morning Karna donates to Brahmins whatever they ask.
so this was the morning before the war & Indra takes disadvantages of it.
In the play there is beautiful conversation between Karna and
Indra. Karna offers so many things to Brahmins like cows, horses, golds, jewellery,
entire kingdom and at last even his head. But Brahmin dont accet his offer. This
conversation is very interesting with high seriousness. At last Indra demands for
his Kavach Kundal. Karna knew very well that it is trap of Indra, because his father
Suryadev (God Sun) had already informed him about this previous night, then even
Karna gives it to him. Karna was aware that without it he may be defeated in war.
But at last he speaks very good dialogue that ".........Huttam
cha dattam cha tathaiv tishthati". means whatever one has given that
remains for ever.