If we compare Ophelia
with Hermione or Sophie Neuve, then there is a vast difference. 21st
century female characters are getting
more space. Female characters has grown
a lot. They are equal or more smarter than
male characters. Sophie and Hermione both accompanies to male members in the
journey. But its in novel, the picture
is different in the movie.
Here it is necessary to clarify that there is a wide difference between
portrayal female characters in literature and movies.
When representation of female is observed deeply one will find problem that
female body is largely objectified. This objectification is problamatic. This
can be proved by above mentioned references that How Ophelia's ( Kate
Winslet)in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet is shown. This kind of presentation is not
there in original Hamlet by Shakespeare. The kind of sexual scenes and nudity
is shown that is objectifying female's body as a commodity. The same kind of
observation can be derieve from the character of Elizabeth of Frankenstein
also. Hester Prynne (Demi Moore) is also showned nude in the movie. The point
is that female’s body is used as commodity. Hermione is also used as a object
for the rivalry between Harry and Ron.
But Ron Howard didn’t do that, that is very good thing. Throughout
the movie director is able to catch the spirit of the FEMININE SACREDNESS. During entire movie, no one will find camera
rolling over female’s body for sensual pleasure. There is not a single kissing
scene in entire movie, even if it is a blockbuster hit movie. Western media
generally criticized for showing lowliness of female’s body as a object. But
the spirit of the novel is that in pagan religion both gender were equal. The binaries
are created later on. So it tries to look female as a sacred one. Sophie’s character is ideally
portrayed to show feminine sacredness.
· (If)You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The
Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the
narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the
contemporary young mind?
It is an age old
debate that literature/ movie misrepresents reality but the point is that it
never claims that it says truth. It is SEMI- HISTORICAL. It uses historical
evidences to construct a new story. But, if one asks forcefully to chooses one
of three, then I would choose The Da Vinci Code as a more convincing narrative.
Because Bible says that Eve is created from the rib of Adam, which is not
possible to believe scientifically. Bible also says that God has created entire
universe, but empirical evidences to prove it right are not available. Even it
seems difficult to believe for the rational mind people.
What harm has been
done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise
Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?
The damage done by
Biblical narration and Paradise lost is that they have created binaries. And put
man into privileging position and female into under privileged position. All women
started believing that they are the responsible for the fall of man from heaven & suffering of entire mankind. This
realization as inferior is damage done by it. in one or another way it tries to say that if you trap in argument of female (as Eve) then you will suffer like Adam- this is problematic.
Milton has divided the role of male and female in society-that female should do house hold work and male should engage in intellectual work. When Raphel comes to inform about the possible danger of Satan, Eve is absent. Thus, putting Eve (female) away from intellectual discussion and deciding their role is problematic.
The Da Vinci Code has a very progressive beginning with Prof. Langdon. but what he does at the end of the novel is regressive. He kneels down at the Sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene. He suppose to reveal the secret about the Jesus's blood line and his relation with Mary Magdalene. But rather than making it public, he becomes the secret keeper.
Sir Leigh Teabing wanted to liberate entire humanity by revealing the secret. But Langdon dont do that. This is the biggest damage done by them to Humanity. Because if we look at the history then religion killed more people than any other thing. People like Silas and Aringoras are killing people on the name of God or religion. this would have been stop if secret had been revealed.
Novel is discussed and debated a lot since its time of publication. many documentaries are research are made on this. all these has falsified the narrative of the Dan Brown. Few evidences he uses may be correct, but everything is not so. so Norris's observation is true. one is that Da vinci's cryptex, mirror image writing etc are falsified. cryptex was originally machine. so on several ground it fails as a truth.
Milton has divided the role of male and female in society-that female should do house hold work and male should engage in intellectual work. When Raphel comes to inform about the possible danger of Satan, Eve is absent. Thus, putting Eve (female) away from intellectual discussion and deciding their role is problematic.
The Da Vinci Code has a very progressive beginning with Prof. Langdon. but what he does at the end of the novel is regressive. He kneels down at the Sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene. He suppose to reveal the secret about the Jesus's blood line and his relation with Mary Magdalene. But rather than making it public, he becomes the secret keeper.
Sir Leigh Teabing wanted to liberate entire humanity by revealing the secret. But Langdon dont do that. This is the biggest damage done by them to Humanity. Because if we look at the history then religion killed more people than any other thing. People like Silas and Aringoras are killing people on the name of God or religion. this would have been stop if secret had been revealed.
“Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on.” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?
Novel is discussed and debated a lot since its time of publication. many documentaries are research are made on this. all these has falsified the narrative of the Dan Brown. Few evidences he uses may be correct, but everything is not so. so Norris's observation is true. one is that Da vinci's cryptex, mirror image writing etc are falsified. cryptex was originally machine. so on several ground it fails as a truth.
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