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Wednesday, 1 June 2016

What is literature?

What is literature?

This blog is written as a task to write definition of Literature after studying  M.A. at Department of  English, MKBU. While taking admission at Dept. Of English i had written following write up about what is Literature? & in  this blog i will try to write critique of my own write up. What i believed earlier &  NOW.

"Day by day in a everyway i am getting better & better"-Emily ku.

I want to define Literature, but while doing this i remember lines of Derrida that is it possible to define anything once and for all?? Or at what extent can we define something? Because when we include something into definition we are excluding rest of the things.

Now i totally may not agree with the my own writing. Because i had written that Anything that is written is called literature.

The very first line of my writing can be deconstructed because it says "Anything that is written is called literature". So what about Oral literature? Or  “the
literatures of preliterate people??  So, my own line seems to me misleading. It may be true in general sense, partially. But it is much more than written words.

Anything written is not called literature because newspapers,  pamphlets are also written but its not literature. Literature is an art & artistic arrangement of words with realism, imagination and philosophy of life makes it more enjoyable. It gives boundless aesthetic delight.

Literature is imaginative writing.  A kind of story that cannot be literally true. If it is true then it is fact, not fiction. It is man made,  not natural.

So, there is always clash between imaginative V/s Realistic,  Fiction V/s  Fact,  Historical truth V/s Artistic truth (Jodha Akbar,  "Bhaag Milkha Bhaag", Jesus and Mary Magdalene in Christian history and in The Da Vinci code , the list can be extended. ..) So, the question may arise that how to discriminate novels and news stories,  fact & fiction. Because comics and pulp fiction are purely imaginative & fictitious YET not literature. One point where it differs is POETIC JUSTICE (bad people punished & good win at last). But POETIC JUSTICE is not possible in real world. There is CATHARSIS (purgation of emotion,  sense of relief) in literature.  This is what makes it distinct than other disciplines.

Language is the brush of artist(writer) through which they paint/ create delightful verbal painting. Ornamental language is characteristic of literature but it does not mean that simple language doesnt make good literature. There is also general agreement that literature foregrounds language, and uses it in artistic ways. Terry Eagleton goes some way towards a definition of literature and its relationship to language: “Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech”. Just as architecture is the art form that arises out of the human ability to create buildings, literature is the art form that arises out of the human ability to create language.
Timelessness,  eternity, universality, permanence, originality, craftsmanship are the characteristics of literature.

What writer tells through characters that makes it great & permanent.-( lines like "to be or not to be", "Nothing can be done", "There was unrest, there was great unrest", Until the lions have their own historian, the history of hunt will always glorify the Hunter.  etc.)& Philosophy of life(Like Waiting for.Godot), psychology of humans(E.A.Poe's stories,  Dr.Jakyll and Mr.hyde) &  relevance of character's experiences with present time makes it good literature.( it would be controversial if i categorize-'Good literature' & 'Bad literature. As such there is nothing good or bad but our thinking & way of looking makes it so)

Literature is interdisciplinary- history, psychology, philosophy, sociology, religion has deeper connections with it. By reading literature one can master this discipline or say get necessary information of it by product. Thus it would be appropriate to call Literature - A HUGE(age old) TREE, with having millions of branches.

Writers are not the ordinary people. They have vision to look beyond what other dont see. They captures spirit of time & undercurrents of society. Creative writer has artistic sensibility.  He observes the world like any common man but his vision observes the world quite differently.  He can perceive from life experiences what common man cannot see at all. This experiences and observations get imaginative colors with the help of artistic sensibility. He creates world of imaginative reality. His literary world is more beautiful and artistic than real world. He is naturally gifted to create the world which has power to move and transform the reader. He gets his raw materials from life. He is critic of life.

Literature is a 'huge Ocean', no one can discover &knew its vastness, secrets and mysteries in totality.

Literature is not just imaginative stories written in leisure time only for entertainment. But it is reflection of time, place and society in which we are living. Literature is mirror or photographic image of society. equally literature is also an x ray image portraying ugly, darker sides of society. સાહિત્ય કૉઇ એક દેશનું નહી આખા વિશ્વનુ પૃતિનિધિત્તવ કરે છે. સાહિત્ય અને સમાજ વચ્ચે બિંબ પૃતિબિંબનૉ સંબંધ રહેલો છે.

Still, whatever definition we try to give literature will remain incomplete because its exactly like 5-7 blind men defining Elephant, by touching it. Whatever aspect they will touch upon, will define like that.

Literature is made up of various genres like plays, novels, poems, short stories and essays. Each genre is distinct.

Literature is beautiful amalgamation of Imagination and Experience (Realism). At the same time it is Subjective, the same text affects  readers differently. You will get from texts what you are interested in. Few readers will satisfy themselves by surfacial meaning & few will dig deep and reach to the hidden allegorical meaning.

Literature is also timeless and universal. Because its subject matter is human being & human nature is the most COMPLEX in the, literature is as compex as human nature.

"ઝેરના પારખા ના કરાય". So we learn through fictional characters. (For example 'acting without thinking- Othello', &'Thinking & thinking and never putting into action-Hamlet'- both is dangerous) Reading of books is a means of getting much more knowledge than we could ever hope to get through our own personal experiences. It helps us toward a better understanding of self & society. By reading literature we learn about human problems & difficulties.

Life is not a video game that once you die, that once your game is over you restart & start playing again. Life never gives second chance. So books, literature like history indicates us towards the error of judgement made by fictional characters. So that you learn from others.

Humanity has progressed a lot. Knowledge is multiplying everyday & this is stored in good books. If we dont use it then what is the use of it because we will repeat the same mistake made by previous one. So, LITERATURE IS BANK OF KNOWLEDGE & WISDOM. THE MORE YOU INVEST IN READING THE MORE INTEREST YOU WILL GET.

While looking from various point of view, one angle leads me to think literature as marginalized history. What dont get place in history that gets its outlet in history. Example of it can be "Train to Pakistan" by Khushwant Sinh. The partition strife & suffering of people living in border areas is voiced in literature. History may celebrate independence struggle & few political leaders, but is always silent over pain of ordinary people. This traumatic experience which is religated by history is captured by literature. At the same time the texts like The Da Vinci Code by Brown can be read as Alternative, in one sense LITERATURE IS ALTERNATIVE HISTORY.

Another definition can be given is Literature is like organic body,  everything is interrelated deeply.

Apart from just story- what is told,  'HOW' it is told is also very important. Literary techniques used by writers makes it perfect.  Epistolary technique,  stream of consciousness,  memory narrative etc are fine example of it.

So what to write as conclusions of what is literature?  Well, !!! Literature is much more than what I''ve written.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

my various facebook post

Completed reading of "The White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga.
"I was looking for the keys, but the doors was always open"- The White Tiger.
# the best novel i've ever read.
# if you want to break the "MYTH OF SHINING INDIA" & "MERA BHARAT MAHAN" read The White Tiger.
# Corruption in politics and education, pollution, prostitutiion, hit & run, failure of governmental institution, Rich V/S poor conflict, Globalization and changing morality, two sides of India- Darkness and Light and many more things beautifully merged into a single plot in humorous and satirical, ironical way. # Must read novel!!!!!!

Completed reading of play "The Swamp Dwellers" by Wole Soyinka. - Very short but play with deeper layers of meaning.
Now begin to read novel " A Grain of Wheat" by Ngugi wa Thiongo.
"Kihika" signifies an inhuman heroism which is necessary for freedom and justice. He is the "Grain of wheat" of the title, WHO MUST DIE FOR NEW LIFE TO BEGIN.

    ‪#‎Radical‬ thinkers always supressed by authority. Shocked to read that Ngugi wa Thiongo was detained and after release Govt. dismissed from his academic job & harrased him out of the country in 1982. The reason was that his writing and 'peasant' workshop were bringing tremendous social changes, and this panicked the Govt.( Really people are by and large 'Lucky'- character of ‪#‎Waiting‬ for Godot- who will kick you if you try to make him free)
    -Interesting parallel we find happening around us also......
    ‪#‎Untill‬ we wont protect our intellectual people, humanity will never progress.‪#‎POWER‬ is not always right. As a society we've to grow and protect our intellectual treasure.
    We dont know what "We Dont know".‪#‎The‬ Da Vinci Code( Dan Brown)-Sophie Neuve and Prof.Langdon dont knew who they are. What Sophie wasnt believing her entire life she herself was that. What Langdon was writing it was with him. SOPHIE was the secret, and Langdon was the Protector, Knight, Secret keeper.But #"WE DONT KNOW WHAT WE DONT KNOW". Because "knowledge dawns", we will come to know only when time comes.
Nimesh Dave
For writing a movie review on " The Midnight's Children' and 'The Reluctant Faundamentalist'- Reading various theories about how to review a film. Now i come to know that u can not give comment on movie randomly, but u have to do it systematically, methodologically. if u like the movie, then why? and not , then why not?. script, plot, graphics, (mechanics of movie), cinematograpgy, sound, music, narrative technique, content of movie, time duration , level of enjoyment ...... and many more..
this all things one should keep in mind while reviewing films, which even i m surprised to know while reading.

Reading Ngugi Wa Thiongo's '-Decolonising the Minds'.
# Indians and Africans both were colonised by White people. but it is surprising that African people have tried more to free themselves from the clutches of White mentality, where as we are still blindlly obsessed with idea that West is superior.
i think we also have to think about the Decolonizing of our minds......

i m Reading "Manavi ni Bhavai"- a Gujarati novel by Pannalal patel. really mindblowing novel.

Friedrich Nietzsche declared the concept of “ Death of God”, which was taken in narrow sense by time. He gave an idea of : Übermensch - ‘superman’. Means a person with extraordinary abilities. For example‪#‎Krishna‬, or Jesus.Christ who were such supermen, who paved their own path. And which was followed by people in the time to come. So the solution of the question will be that one has to develop his own sense of morality.‪#‎God‬ will not come from heaven to guide you. He thinks in more advance way then T. S. Eliot. Where as Eliot goes into past for the solution of the contemporary problems.(Nimesh Dave)
Read similar interesting comments by Sem 3 students of Department of English - Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University in a blog task . . . in the comment section under this blog.


modernist literature background

 Characteristics of Modernism / literature:-
-high degree of complexity in structure
-anxiety and interrogation
-reworks tradition
-works are intensly self reflexive, exploring the process of their own composition.
-are often Fragmented and non linear, breaking up time frames and plots.
-some critics identify a sense of apocalypse & disaster in modernism.
-city based.
-it is also located in the context of Empire and world wars, of advanced military technology.
-a great deal of experimentation with language and form.
-an interest in subjectivity and the working of the human consciousness.
-often rejects realism & the idea that art has to capture reality.
-Modernist fiction defamiliarizes or makes strange what is common. MAKE IT NEW- is the Modernist slogan.
-highly elitist because it was complex and used allusions and classical references that called for great erudition- which was available only to certain classes of people.
★NOTHINGNESS Characteristics of modernist Literature.
Victorians V/S Modernist
☆ in the study of literature few things are most interesting than to consider periodic changes of outlook which sway the human mind and spirit, and to observe those fluctuations of value which cause the truths and certainties of one generation to appears as superstitions and baseless conventions in the eyes of the generation following.
★ young men & women during 20th century looked back upon the ( Victorian Age) as dully hypocritical.
★-Victorian ideals appeared mean and superficial and stupid.
☆from 1901 to 1925 English Literature was directed by mental attitudes, moral ideals and spiritual values at almost the opposite extreme to the attitudes, ideals & values governing Victorian literature.
★ the old certainties were certainties no longer.
★everything was held to be open to question.
☆test→ watchword of Modern Age.
★ standard of artistic craftmanship and of aesthetic appreciation began to change fundamentally.
★wha the Victorians had considered beautiful their children and grand children thought hideous.
→ intellectuals and artists at the turn of the 20th century believed the previous generation's way of doing things was a cultural dead end. they could forsee worlds events were spiraling into unknown territory. the stability and quietude of Victorian civilization were rapidly becoming a thing of the past.
★ the post victorian generation disliked the furnishings of victorian households, they were even more contemptuous of the furnishings of the victorian minds.
in the Victorian age there was a widespread and willing submission to the rule of expert.
the voice of authority was accepted in religion, in politics, in literature, in family life.
-hypocritical, artificial
-traditional narrative technique (Aristotle)
-Hardy, Dickens etc never broke the tradition of writing-way of telling.
-without questioning willing submission to the rule/voice of expert/authority/religion.
-old morality
-living in a house built on unshakable foundations and established in perpetuity.
-sense of stability
-home, constitution, Empire, religion are the best form.
-permanence of institutions.
-our empire will never shaken.
-all broken (Fragmented)
-stream of consciousness ( experimentation)
-no respect for tradition
-'Origin of species', 'Interpretation of Dreams'
-Faith in Freud & Darwin- book ( The Descent of Man)than the voice of God in book of Genesis.
-New Morality
-Skeptical- (somebody denying knowledge is possible)
-doubtful- question everything
-Agnostic-(somebody denying God's existence is provable).
-Campside-modernist idea
-body is home- we've to leave it.
you victorians were wanted to eat fruits of garden of entire world- their own generation.
# the great Victorian and Modernist conflict
‪#‎Morally‬ and mentally frustrated great Britain.
-☆ G.B.SHAW→Question, examine old superstitions.
Major Barbara-quote-you will upgrade things but not thinking &morality.
conflict with forefathers.
MASSMAN became important in 20th century.
mass production & threat/death of craftmanship.
Reader Response Theory emerged↓
Author is dead
craftmanship is not important.
reader: i will generate my meaning.
V.WOOLF-JACOB'S ROOM-------Esoteric ( abstruce) Difficult to understand.
★requires high intellect to understand
★ feeling of uneasiness, restlessness